

Antibiotics for Plant Cell Culture
10mM in DMSO



CAS编号 4800-94-6(DMSO) | 品牌:Jinpan
Carbenicillin disodium




  • 分子式 C17H16N2Na2O6S
  • 分子量422.36

货号 (SKU) 包装规格 是否现货 价格 数量
C408933-1ml 1ml 期货 羧苄青霉素钠  


产品名称 羧苄青霉素钠
英文名称 Carbenicillin disodium
英文别名 BRL-2064;4-Thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, 6-[(2-carboxy-2-phenylacetyl)amino]-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-, sodium salt (1:2), (2S,5R,6R)-
规格或纯度 10mM in DMSO
运输条件 超低温冰袋运输
生化机理 Carbenicillin (BRL-2064) is a semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic which interferes with cell wall synthesis of gram-negative bacteria while displaying low toxicity.



Carbenicillin (BRL-2064) is a semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic which interferes with cell wall synthesis of gram-negative bacteria while displaying low toxicity.
In vitro

Carbenicillin (125 mg/L) completely suppresses the proliferation of Agrobacterium. Carbenicillin (250 mg/L-500 mg/L) enhances Callus fresh weight increase. Carbenicillin (125 mg/L) results in higher percentages of somatic embryos and larger numbers of somatic embryos from the individual callus. Carbenicillin (1g/L) influences shoot formation negatively as the shooting frequency for leaf disc explants is reduced to 56% and for cotyledons to 51% after 2 months of culture of Nicotiana tabacum Petit Havana. Carbenicillin prevents the development of mature somatic embryos, reduces early stage embryos by >90% and tissue growth by 50% of Sitka spruce. The leukocytes of the patients does not release histamine on in vitro provocation with Carbenicillin (0.1 g/mL).

In vivo

Carbenicillin (0.1 g/mL) does not show any allergic drug reactions in cystic fibrosis patients, as evident by no significant levels of antibodies of IgE, IgG or IgM classes. Carbenicillin (50 μg/mL) results in phytotoxicity in chrysanthemum and TOB, with an increase in the concentration, and with a parallel shift in the morphogenic capacity (SRC) of threshold survival levels (TSLs). Carbenicillin results in 100% acclimatization with no different morphological flowering characteristics following subculture in vitro three times in Chrysanthemum plantlets.
Cell Data

cell lines:


Incubation Time:

Powder Purity:


CAS编号 4800-94-6(DMSO)
储存温度 -80℃储存
分子量 422.36
分子式 C17H16N2Na2O6S
品牌 Jinpan
Smiles [Na+].[Na+].CC1(C)SC2C(NC(=O)C(C([O-])=O)C3=CC=CC=C3)C(=O)N2C1C([O-])=O