Carbonylacrylic PEG COOH Cat. No. PG2-CACR-5k 5000 Da 50 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG COOH

Cat. No. PG2-CACR-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 50 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: Carboxylic acid PEG Carbonylacrylic, Carbonylacrylic PEG acid


Carbonylacrylic PEG COOH is a thiol and amine reactive heterobifunctional PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimide PEGcarbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. Carboxylic acid group, -COOH, on the other hand, can be activated to react to amine or hydryoxy groups.

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive groups: Carbonylacrylic and COOH
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl and primary amine/hydroxyl groups
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.

Carbonylacrylic PEG Azide Cat. No. PG2-AZCR-5k 5000 Da 50 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG Azide

Cat. No. PG2-AZCR-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 50 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: Azide PEG Carbonylacrylic, Carbonylacrylic PEG N3, Azido PEG carbonylacrylic


Carbonylacrylic PEG Azide is a thiol reactive heterobifunctional PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimidecarbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. Azide, on the other hand, can react to alkyne or DBCO via Click Chemistry. 

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive groups: Carbonylacrylic and Azide
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl and alkyne groups
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.

Carbonylacrylic PEG carbonylacrylate Cat. No. PG2-CAR-5k 5000 Da 50 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG carbonylacrylate

Cat. No. PG2-CAR-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 50 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: Carbonylacrylate PEG Carbonylacrylate


Carbonylacrylic PEG carbonylacrylate is a thiol homobifunctional PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimidecarbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. 

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive groups: Carbonylacrylic
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl groups
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.

Carbonylacrylic PEG NHS Cat. No. PG2-CRNS-5k 5000 Da 50 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG NHS

Cat. No. PG2-CRNS-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 50 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: NHS PEG Carbonylacrylic


Carbonylacrylic PEG NHS is a thiol and amine reactive heterobifunctional PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimide, carbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. NHS, on the other hand, can react to primary amine group at alkaline pH to form a stable amide bond.

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive groups: Carbonylacrylic and NHS
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl and primary amine groups
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.

Carbonylacrylic PEG Biotin Cat. No. PG2-BNCR-5k 5000 Da 25 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG Biotin

Cat. No. PG2-BNCR-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 25 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: Biotin PEG Carbonylacrylic


Carbonylacrylic PEG Biotin is a thiol and amine reactive heterobifunctional PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimidecarbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. Biotin, on the other hand, is a useful tag to bind to avidin, streptavidin or neutravidin.

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive groups: Carbonylacrylic and biotin
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl and streptavidin
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.

Carbonylacrylic PEG Cholesterol Cat. No. PG2-CRCS-5k 5000 Da 25 mg修饰性聚乙二醇


Carbonylacrylic PEG Cholesterol

Cat. No. PG2-CRCS-5k
Specification 5000 Da
Unit Size 25 mg
Price $385.00

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Synonym: Cholesteryl PEG Carbonylacrylic


Carbonylacrylic PEG Cholesterol is a thiol reactive lipid PEG derivatives. Similar to Maleimidecarbonylacrylic group can react with thiol group quickly to form a stable thiol ether bond. Cholesterol, on the other hand, is a lipophilic molecule that can be used to form liposome and other nanocarriers. 

Product Specifications:

  • Form: Solid
  • Apearance: Light yellow/off-white
  • Reactive group: Carbonylacrylic
  • Reactive to: Sulfhydryl groups
  • Lipid type: Cholesterol
  • Solubility: Soluble in water


  • Store at -20 0C. Desiccate.